Get marketing analytics insights with SimplyPut

Unlock the full potential of your campaigns with reliable, AI-powered marketing analytics. Gain instant insights across the entire customer journey, from acquisition to retention, and make data-driven decisions that boost your marketing ROI.

Campaign Performance

Maximize your marketing ROI with AI-driven campaign analytics. Identify top-performing ad campaigns, analyze device-specific conversion rates, and measure the impact of email campaigns on trial sign-ups to optimize your marketing strategies.

  • Which ad campaigns have the highest ROI?
  • How does device type affect conversion rates?
  • What's the impact of our latest email campaign on trial sign-ups?
Campaign Performance Analytics Screenshot

Automated Marketing Reports

Get everything from daily campaign updates to monthly signup metrics delivered to your inbox and Slack with scheduled AI Reports, and create a living dashboard in SimplyPut with always up-to-date marketing metrics, insights, and trend analysis.

  • How did our marketing channels perform last week?
  • Which ads drove the most free trials?
  • What regions are growing most month over month?
Automated Marketing Reports Analytics Screenshot

Customer Acquisition

Boost your customer acquisition efforts with data-driven insights. Track trial-to-paid conversion rates, identify high-performing geographical markets, and pinpoint the most effective referral sources to streamline your acquisition funnel.

  • What's our conversion rate from trial to paid subscriptions?
  • Which countries are driving the most trial sign-ups?
  • What's the most effective referral source for new customers?
Customer Acquisition Analytics Screenshot

User Behavior

Unlock deep insights into user behavior with real-time analytics. Analyze page engagement metrics, identify key features that drive retention, and map out typical user journeys to optimize your product and marketing strategies.

  • What's the average time spent on our pricing page?
  • Which features are most used by customers who don't churn?
  • What's the typical user journey before making a purchase?
User Behavior Analytics Screenshot

Revenue Analysis

Maximize your revenue potential with AI-powered analytics. Track monthly recurring revenue trends, identify high-retention plan types, and calculate customer lifetime value by acquisition channel to drive sustainable growth.

  • What's our monthly recurring revenue trend?
  • Which plan types have the highest retention rates?
  • What's the average customer lifetime value by acquisition channel?
Revenue Analysis Analytics Screenshot

Churn Analysis

Minimize customer churn with data-driven insights. Monitor churn rate trends, identify pre-churn behaviors, and analyze the impact of trial duration on long-term retention to develop effective customer retention strategies.

  • What's our current churn rate, and how has it changed over time?
  • Are there any common behaviors among users before they churn?
  • How does trial duration affect long-term customer retention?
Churn Analysis Analytics Screenshot

Get started Ask your own questions of this data with our interactive demo