Drive engaged users with SimplyPut: An AI-powered tool for customer success data

Maximize powerful AI features to provide actionable insights for your customer success metrics. Optimize every stage of the customer journey, from onboarding to renewal, ensuring lasting relationships and higher retention rates.

Support Effectiveness

Optimize your customer support strategy by analyzing resolution times, channel effectiveness, and their impact on satisfaction scores. Identify correlations between support interactions and customer retention to enhance your service quality.

  • How does resolution time impact customer satisfaction scores?
  • Which support channels are most effective for different types of issues?
  • Is there a correlation between support interactions and churn rate?
Support Effectiveness Analytics Screenshot

Automated Customer Success Reports

Get daily customer feedback snapshots and monthly churn rates sent straight to your inbox and Slack with scheduled AI Reports. Keep a live dashboard in SimplyPut that consistently updates with the latest customer success analytics, insights, and trend analysis.

  • Which customers are at risk of churning, and how can we retain them?
  • What is the current customer churn rate, and why are customers leaving?
  • How satisfied are our customers, and how does it impact retention?
Automated Customer Success Reports Analytics Screenshot

Usage Patterns

Gain insights into customer behavior by analyzing feature usage, login frequency, and their correlation with retention. Identify key usage patterns that indicate customer engagement and potential churn risks to proactively address customer needs.

  • Which features are most used by our long-term customers?
  • How does login frequency correlate with customer retention?
  • What usage patterns indicate a customer is at risk of churning?
Usage Patterns Analytics Screenshot

Churn Analysis

Understand and mitigate customer churn by identifying common reasons, analyzing trends across segments, and detecting early warning signs. Use data-driven insights to develop targeted retention strategies and improve customer loyalty.

  • What are the most common reasons for customer churn?
  • How does the churn rate trend over time for different customer segments?
  • Can we identify early warning signs of potential churn based on usage and support data?
Churn Analysis Analytics Screenshot

Customer Segmentation

Enhance your customer success strategies through detailed segmentation analysis. Understand how churn rates vary across industries and company sizes, identify high-retention subscription types, and map out the lifecycle of your most valuable customers.

  • How does churn rate vary across different industries and company sizes?
  • Which subscription types have the highest retention rates?
  • What's the typical lifecycle of our most valuable customers?
Customer Segmentation Analytics Screenshot

Get started Ask your own questions of this data with our interactive demo