Bar chart comparing performance of Claude 2.1, GPT-4, and PaLM-2 across six categories: SQL Understanding, Ambiguous Questions, Listening to Data Experts, Useful Output, Understanding Threads, and Overall. Claude 2.1 and GPT-4 show similar high performance, with PaLM-2 slightly lagging, except in SQL Understanding where PaLM-2 is competitive.

TLDR: Integrating an AI data assistant into your organization requires more than just technical know-how. We discuss the five must-have capabilities for a successful AI data assistant, backed by our hands-on tests with leading models like GPT-4, PALM-2, and Claude-2.1. We’re also excited to test Google’s newly released Gemini model and welcome suggestions for other models to evaluate. Let’s dive into what you need to consider for easy configuration, delightful user experiences, and manageable AI implementation in your data team.

We believe everyone will be bringing an AI data assistant into their organization. But before you decide to build it yourself, or go with a vendor it’s important to decide what criteria you have for an effective data assistant. It might be tempting to evaluate just its ability to write SQL in the dialect that you want. But there is a lot more to get right. This is why we get a lot of people talking to us after they tried to build it themselves 🙂

Before you go down the rabbit hole here are a couple of things to keep in mind. Whatever solution you choose, these two things have to be solved well.

  1. Configuring the assistant has to be easy for the people who maintain data. If the data maintainers are constantly needing to retrain or fine-tune your model, the end users will end up not trusting it and will never use it. And will just ask the maintainers the questions anyway.
  2. The end user experience has to be delightful. Response times need to be fast, and the format of the data returned needs to make sense. Their capabilities need to be discoverable and rich.

In order for an AI data assistant to satisfy both of those requirements we have a list of “must-have” capabilities to make sure the AI data assistant is successful in your organization. Here I will go through each “must-have” capability and run GPT-4, PALM-2, and Claude-2.1 through a series of tests we have to show how each model does.

Note: There are many models and we have tried a lot. I suggest using to see the full list of open-source models we tried as well. I’m just listing these three for now because they have a big enough context window, they can understand a chat context and are good enough at following instructions.

For each test in a capability we give a score from 0 to 1 on how each model did in that test. Then to calculate their percentage we take the sum of all scores of tests, divided by the number of tests per model.

Must-Have #1 Deep SQL Understanding

These are table stakes. We test our type conversion, date manipulations, join logic, CTE’s, Group by NULL LAST (a lot of them get this wrong)… There is a lot here and we borrow from Spider/SparC and Seq2SQL for inspiration on how to implement the tests. However, in a business context, we like to drill in a little further using our experience of how data tends to be laid out, and how people talk about data.

This is probably the easiest thing to get right for LLMs – here are our results:

Bar chart showing the performance comparison in the category 'SQL Understanding' among three entities: Claude 2.1, GPT-4, and PaLM-2.

Note: PaLM-2 had trouble with holiday type questions in SQL, and some type conversions.

Must-Have #2 Handle Ambiguous Questions

One commonly overlooked observation is that most users lack the knowledge of how to pose a data-related question. This doesn’t mean the user is not smart. It means there is a big bridge between the context of what is in the user’s head vs the context of your data team. As a result the ai data assistant is here to help bridge that gap. This gap is not inferable from the data itself and as a result the Data Engineers/Analysts will always be valuable people. But in order for the AI to help bridge that gap the AI needs to be able to describe what it knows and what it doesn’t (more useful than you might expect). This category of tests is aimed at identifying how well each model can handle ambiguity so when questions like, “Which customer is best?”, “How well did my team do?” come up, the AI helps the user guide them to something useful for them.

Bar chart showing the performance comparison in the category 'Ambiguous Questions' among three entities: Claude 2.1, GPT-4, and PaLM-2.

Notes: Claude 2.1 tended to be very wordy, and had some trouble with questions Like “Which Customer did well this year?” and had no idea how to help, PaLM-2 tended to hallucinate meanings more often than the other models.

Must-Have #3 Listening to Data Experts

For a solution like this to work in any organization, the “Correct” way to do things will be seeded by the Data Experts. This is because they know when to do custom stuff that trickles into data models. This is the stuff that happens in the day to day life of maintaining data. For example, “ignore rows where customer = ‘test account’” “always convert the time column to New York Time Zone”, “Each query should use the date partition column”…. Going even further the AI assistant will need to be able to cite examples of queries blessed by the data team so that users can trust the information they receive.

Screenshot showing an email reminder to create a bar chart of questions asked by organization in the last 48 hours. The response from SimplyPut presents a bar chart detailing the number of questions asked. An information bubble indicates the answer is influenced by verified questions, with a verification note from Tony Doran 4 months ago. A highlight suggests that the Data Assistant understands how to cite an answer from a Data Expert.

This is critical for AI and humans to work well together. Your end users shouldn’t be asked to trust a black box.

Bar chart showing the performance comparison in the category 'Listening to Data Experts' among three entities: Claude 2.1, GPT-4, and PaLM-2.

Must-Have #4 Useful Output

Let’s say the user asks a question that is answerable with data. But what should it display?

Sometimes it is better to display a sentence output with the data mixed in for example:

Screenshot of a data query interface where a user asks for the city with the greatest percentage growth in sales from 2021 to 2022. The AI responds that Phoenix had the greatest growth rate at -0.8%, noting that the calculation includes only cities with recorded sales in both 2021 and 2022. Additional questions about product category and sales channel growth, and year-over-year growth in total sales are also displayed but not yet answered by the AI.

Other times you just want a list of results:

Screenshot of a data query result showing the top 3 cities with the most total sales for electronics. The cities listed are Los Angeles with 4,685,2115 sales, Phoenix with 4,668,7018 sales, and Houston with 4,321,1262 sales. The interface displays this information in response to a user's query about the top 3 cities by electronics sales volume.

And other times you want a visualization:

Bar chart displaying total sales in 2023 for various cities including Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, and San Francisco with options for more details, downloading data as CSV, and providing feedback.

The AI needs to be able to understand when one output type is desired based on the current context. Here are testing results.

Bar chart showing the performance comparison in the category 'Useful Output' among three entities: Claude 2.1, GPT-4, and PaLM-2.

Note: The difference here could be adjusted based on prompting, but it’s safe to say all the models perform well at this task.

Must-Have #5 Understand Threads

Humans don’t interact with data in the “Question – Answer” paradigm. Having conversations with data is a much more human way of interacting with data. This is because sometimes the answer to your question triggers a refinement of your question, and you don’t want to have to restate the entire question in the reply. For example, look at this thread:

Screenshot of a chat-based data analysis interface with a conversation about product sales in 2022. The user asks 'Which product category was most popular in 2022?' and the AI responds with 'Electronics' along with a total unit count. The user follows up by asking for the top 5 categories, to which the AI provides a list with 'Electronics' leading. Lastly, the user requests a pie chart, and the AI presents a colorful pie chart representing the top 5 product categories with corresponding legend.

Notice that the AI needs to be able to understand what to do next based on the current thread. We tested threads with questions using “This”, asking the AI to change how the visualization looks, and switching aggregates with different lengths of the threads and with complicated questions.

Bar chart showing the performance comparison in the category 'Understanding Threads' among three entities: Claude 2.1, GPT-4, and PaLM-2.

Note: All models suffered as soon as threads got over 20 questions long. GPT-4 hallucinated later than the other models did.


So putting this all together GPT-4 edges out as the best model.

Bar chart showing the performance comparison in the category 'Listening to Data Experts' among three entities: Claude 2.1, GPT-4, and PaLM-2.
Bar chart comparing performance of Claude 2.1, GPT-4, and PaLM-2 across six categories: SQL Understanding, Ambiguous Questions, Listening to Data Experts, Useful Output, Understanding Threads, and Overall. Claude 2.1 and GPT-4 show similar high performance, with PaLM-2 slightly lagging, except in SQL Understanding where PaLM-2 is competitive.

Note: That being said, that is what our results show as of right now. As models get better we run them through the tests and switch to the one that works the best. This works out for our customers. They can just focus on getting their data sorted and leave it for us to stay on top of this fast-paced world. But if you want to do this yourself I suggest finding the criteria that works for you and test the models thoroughly.

Extra note: We’re particularly excited about the recent release of Google’s Gemini model and look forward to testing soon, and if there’s a specific model you’d like us to evaluate, just let us know!

Tony loves the fascinating world of data. From the how to represent reality in bytes, to how to convey stories in data visualizations.